

Ve concede ai tarmi e attim el Contrato con ri spetto ai vostri usi dël Sit. El Contrato costituisce l’unico e entero Contrato tra voviri e so Software con ri spetto ai vostri usi dël Sit e sòpervisa a tute i contratti andati prima or ades en tèmp contemporanin, le rappresentazioni, le garanzie e/o i capimenti con ri spetto al Sit. Podimo emendare il Contrato da vòlte a vòlte considering na nostra scelta solitaria, sòutrembi avvis specifich a vovi. L’ultimo Contrato sarà mess sùl Sit, e dovresti esaminélo prima di uso del Sit. Con tuo uso continué dal Sit e/o del Serviss, vovi ades accedé a rispetté tute i tarme e condiss contetut dëntro al Contrato efficasse a stè tèmp. Per tanto, dovresti ciamar regolarment sto fòg páje për rivàri e/o cambiament.


The Website and Services are available only to individuals who can enter into legally binding contracts under applicable law. The Website and Services are not intended for use by individuals under the age of eighteen (18). If you are under the age of eighteen (18), you do not have permission to use and/or access the Website and/or Services.


Servicii ale furnizorului

Prin completarea formularelor de comandă aplicabile, puteți obține sau încerca să obțineți anumite produse și/sau servicii de pe site-ul web. Produsele și/sau serviciile prezentate pe site-ul web pot conține descrieri furnizate direct de către producătorii sau distribuitorii terți ai acestor articole. Software-ul nu reprezintă sau garantează că descrierile acestor articole sunt exacte sau complete. Înțelegeți și sunteți de acord că Software-ul nu este responsabil sau răspunzător în niciun fel pentru imposibilitatea dvs. de a obține produse și/sau servicii de pe site-ul web sau pentru orice dispută cu vânzătorul, distribuitorul și consumatorii finali ai produsului. Înțelegeți și sunteți de acord că Software-ul nu va fi răspunzător față de dvs. sau față de orice terț pentru orice pretenție legată de oricare dintre produsele și/sau serviciile oferite pe site-ul web.


Ex tempore, TheSoftware praebet pretia promotionis aliaque praemia per concursus. Veram et veram informationem praebens coniunctioni cum formala concursus inscriptionis applicabilis, consentiens ad Officiales Concursus Regulas applicabiles ad quemlibet concursus, inire potes occasionem ad promota pretia peracta per quemlibet concursus. Ut in concursibus ostensis in Pagi, primum debes formam inscriptionis applicabilem plenissime adimplevere. Consentis veram adcuratamque et integrum Concursum Registram Datis praebere. TheSoftware habet ius repellendi quaslibet Concursum Registram Datis ubi est statutum, in arbitrio soli et exclusivo TheSoftware, quod: (i) es frangi aliquot portionem des Agreement; et/sive (ii) Concursum Registram Datis praebebas incompletum, fraudulentum, duplicatum aut aliter inacceptabile. TheSoftware potest criterium Registrationem Datis in suo arbitrio soli in tempore quaerere.


Ut usu Website, vos are concessi a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable et limited licens ad accessum et uti Website, Contectus et materia associata iuxta Pactum. TheSoftware may terminare hoc licentia at any tempus for any causa. Vos may uti Website et Contectus on unus calculator for tuus ipsius personalis, non-commercial usus. Nullus part of the Website, Contentus, Contentiones et / vel Services may sum repraesentatus in any forma or incorporatus in any systema informationis retrievalis, electronicus or mechanicus. Vos may non uti, copy, emulate, clonus, rent, lease, venum, modify, decompile, disassemble, reverse ingeniarius or transferre Website, Contentus, Contentiones et / vel Services or any pars illius. TheSoftware reservat omnis iura non explicitus concessus in the Pactum. Vos may non uti any apparatus, software or consuetudo to interpellatio or tempto to interpellatio with the rectus functioning of the Website. Vos may non capio any actio that imposes an indiesus or disproportionatus magnus load on TheSoftware’s infrastructure. Tuus ius uti the Website, Contentus, Contentiones et / vel Services is non transferable.


The content, organization, graphics, design, compilation, magnetic translation, digital conversion, software, services and other matters related to the Website, Content, Contests and Services are protected under applicable copyrights, trademarks and other proprietary (including, but not limited to, intellectual property) rights. The copying, redistribution, publication or sale by you of any part of the Website, Content, Contests and/or Services is strictly prohibited. Systematic retrieval of material from the Website, Content, Contests and/or Services by automated means or any other form of scraping or data extraction in order to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, compilation, database or directory without written permission from TheSoftware is prohibited. You do not acquire ownership rights to any content, document, software, services or other materials viewed at or through the Website, Content, Contests and/or Services. The posting of information or material on the Website, or by and through the Services, by TheSoftware does not constitute a waiver of any right in or to such information and/or materials. The TheSoftware name and logo, and all associated graphics, icons and service names, are trademarks of TheSoftware. All other trademarks appearing on the Website or by and through the Services are the property of their respective owners. The use of any trademark without the applicable owner’s express written consent is strictly prohibited.


Unless expressly authorized by TheSoftware, no one may hyperlink the Website, or portions thereof (including, but not limited to, logotypes, trademarks, branding or copyrighted material), to their website or web venue for any reason. Further, \u201dframing\u201d the Website and/or referencing the Uniform Resource Locator (\u201dURL\u201d) of the Website in any commercial or non-commercial media without the prior, express, written permission of TheSoftware is strictly prohibited. You specifically agree to cooperate with the Website to remove or cease, as applicable, any such content or activity. You hereby acknowledge that you shall be liable for any and all damages associated therewith.


Nos reservamus ius in singulari nostra discretionem ad edere et/aut delere quaecumque documenta, informationes vel alia contenta quae in Website apparet.


Visitores letum informationem de Situm propria periculo. TheSoftware non promitto quod huiusmodi downloads liber sunt a corruptis computatrum codicibus includunt, sed non limitatum ad, virus et vermes.


Vos consenti indemnizzar e tenir TheSoftware, cata der parenzas, filias e societats affiliatas, e cata der membros, ofiziais, directores, empleados, agentes, co-branders e/o altri socios, inoffensivar da e contro cata e tot le revendicazions, expensas (incluse onorarios de advocatos resonabile), dammas, causas, demandas e/o sententias qualcunque, fatte da cata terza partia a caxia der uso der SitoWeb, Servizis, Contenidos e/o entrata in cata Contest; (b) cata vostra violazion der Convenio; e/o (c) cata vostra infraciun der diritos der un altro individuo e/o societat. Le provisiones der presente paragrafo son pro le beneficio der TheSoftware, cata der parenzas, filias e/o societats affiliatas, e cata der suos respectivos ofiziais, directores, membros, empleados, agentes, azionistas, licentoros, fornitoros e/o advocattos. Cata uno der estos individuos e societats avra le dereto de asserer e far obbligar estas provisiones directamente contra vos in su propie nombre.


The Website may provide links to and/or refer you to other Internet websites and/or resources including, but not limited to, those owned and operated by Third Party Providers. Because TheSoftware has no control over such third party websites and/or resources, you hereby acknowledge and agree that TheSoftware is not responsible for the availability of such third party websites and/or resources. Furthermore, TheSoftware does not endorse, and is not responsible or liable for, any terms and conditions, privacy policies, content, advertising, services, products and/or other materials at or available from such third party websites or resources, or for any damages and/or losses arising therefrom.


Usus Paginam, et omnes commentationes, responsiones, informationem, Registration Data et / vel materialia quae submittis per vel in consociationem cum Paginam, obnoxius est in privatam politica nostra. Servamus ius uti omnem informtionem respectu tuo usus Paginam, et quicquid aliud et omnes personaliter identificabilis informtionis praebuit per te, secundum condiciones in privatam politica nostra. Ad videre nostram privatam politica, sis Click Hic.

Quaecumque conatus a quoquam individuo, sive sit TheSoftware custos sive non, ad perniciem, destructionem, adulterationem, vandalizationem et/aut aliud quod interfereat cum operatione Website, est violatio legis criminalis et civilis et TheSoftware graviter omnes remedii quaeret adversus quemlibet offendentem individuum vel entitatem ad summam legem et aequitatem permitutam.